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PKGBUILD is the Arch Linux package build description file, which we inherit by using pacman. See for details on the format. We have some minor extensions to the format, which are documented here.

Extra Metadata

Variables starting with msys2_ and mingw_ can be used to add additional metadata to a package, which will be read and used by our tools. The following variables are recognized:

Variable Type Description
mingw_arch array A list of MSYS2 environments the package is built for. Defaults to an empty list.
msys2_references mapping Maps the package to external resources, such as other package repositories.
msys2_changelog_url string NEWS file in git or the GitHub releases page. In case there are multiple, the one that is more useful for packagers.
msys2_documentation_url string URL to the documentation for the API, tools, etc., in case it's a different website than the homepage.
msys2_repository_url string URL to the web view of the repository, e.g., on GitHub or GitLab.
msys2_issue_tracker_url string URL to the bug tracker, mailing list archive, etc.
msys2_pgp_keys_url string URL to a website containing which keys are used to sign releases.
msys2_ignore_vulnerabilities array A list of CVE and/or GHSA IDs which should be ignored.

For msys2_references the following keys are recognized:

  • anitya - The Anitya project ID, for example "2566" for openssl.
  • archlinux - the Arch Linux package name:
  • aur - the AUR package name:
  • cygwin - the cygwin package name:
  • cygwin-mingw64 - the cygwin package name for all packages starting with "mingw64-x86_64-", minus that prefix:
  • gentoo - the full Gentoo package name e.g. dev-python/pyasn1
  • internal - special key, which if it exists marks the package as internal and doesn't link it to any external sources
  • purl - a package URL. Multiple PURLs supported. Versions are optionally supported, and useful in case the upstream version is different from the package version. Some common PURL types:
    • pypi - example: pkg:pypi/jinja2 or pkg:pypi/@3.1.5 - make sure to normalize the package name
    • cargo - example: pkg:cargo/ripgrep or pkg:cargo/ripgrep@14.1.1
    • gem - example: pkg:gem/asciidoctor
    • github - example: pkg:github/curl/curl or pkg:github/curl/curl@curl-8_12_1
    • ...
  • cpe - a CPE prefix, either in the 2.2 or the 2.3 format. Versions are optionally supported, and useful in case the upstream version is different from the package version (cpe:/a:gnu:gcc:14.2.0).

    • 2.2: cpe:/a:gnu:gcc or cpe:/a:gnu:gcc:14.2.0
    • 2.3: cpe:2.3:a:gnu:gcc or cpe:2.3:a:gnu:gcc:14.2.0

Defining a key without a value means there is no mapping and the package shouldn't be linked.

The following datatypes are supported:

  • string: msys2_myvar="example" 🠆 {"myvar": "example"}
  • array: Arrays of strings: msys2_myvar=("example1" "example2") 🠆 {"myvar": ["example1", "example2"]}
  • mapping: Mappings of strings to optional other strings, separated by ":", values are stripped: msys2_myvar=("example1: value1" "example2") 🠆 {"myvar": {"example1": ["value1"], "example2": [null]}}
  • boolean: either true or false: msys2_myvar=true 🠆 {"myvar": true}


2025-02-17: Added support for the version component in purl entries, for example purl: pkg:pypi/jinja2@3.1.5.

2025-02-17: Removed support for pypi in msys2_references, use purl with the pypi type instead, for example purl: pkg:pypi/jinja2 instead of pypi: jinja2.