Welcome to the MSYS2 wiki
Welcome to the MSYS2 wiki
- Introduction - overview and important information
- Installing and upgrading - required reading for all users
- History - about the project's inception and origins
- Re-installing from scratch - in case of unrecoverable problems
- Creating packages - how packages are built and how to make new ones
- MSYS2 vs. Cygwin - differences and similarities
- MSYS2 on Wine - how to install and use MSYS2 under Wine [sadly broken with current version of MSYS2 and no-one is actively working on a fix as far as we know]
- Porting for MSYS2 or MinGW-w64 - useful resources and common issues
- Launchers - various ways to launch MSYS2 shells
- Distributing software without pacman - how to bundle your software built using MSYS2, including all required dependencies, to non-MSYS2-users
- About terminals, consoles and shells
- Setting up SSHd on MSYS2
- Sudo on MSYS2
- Developer discussion
- Signing packages (draft)
- Tips for investigating package issues using GDB on Qt Creator (draft)
More documentation:
If you have any problems with the POSIX side of MSYS2 (e.g. ssh, home directories, user accounts, native symlinks, signal handling, ...), try to consult the Cygwin documentation first, as a lot of what's written there applies to MSYS2 as well.
There is also an excellent introduction from Matthieu Vachon describing MSYS2, the shells, pacman and other stuff in a less technical, more practical way.
Some pages on Git for Windows' home page are relevant to MSYS2 as well.
There are various communication channels set up, including the #msys2 IRC channel on OFTC and the mailing list at msys2-users@lists.sourceforge.net.
With thanks to:
... and all of the other Open Source software projects we build, package and distribute